Due to weather, the church Office is closed Friday, Jan 12th and ALL activities are canceled.

We're meeting in person & online!

River Baptism at Dickson Valley Camp 

Men’s Ministries

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

MEN'S 180

180 is the primary connection point for men. It is built around the belief that learning how to live Biblically involves a constant call to daily, small-scale life changes.

Join us as we band together as an army of brothers to learn what it looks like to do life God's way and how to put it into practice.

Saturday Mornings 8:00am or Monday Evenings 6:30pm
Starts 3/22 and 3/24

Gospeler- Turning Darkness into Light One Conversation at a Time by Willie Robertson

For more information contact Pastor Vince by email or by phone 630.554.3858.


When: Sundays, during the 9:00 am service

Where: Harvest, Room 101 (far hallway by Youth Center)

For more information contact the class leader, Marty Middleton.

Men's Monthly Fellowship Lunch

McAlister's in Montgomery

2nd Thursday of the Month | 12:00 Noon

Come for a casual time of fellowship!

Cost: Buy your own meal

Softball League Interest

For more information sign up below.

Men's Softball Informational Meeting - Saturday, March 23rd @10am in the Youth Center