God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7c
"For God so loved the world, He gave..." John 3:16a God's love response to mankind is abundant generosity. When we are generous with the resources with which He has blessed us, our lives reflect the heart and character of God, pointing others to His generosity and ultimately to His perfect gift, His son, Jesus Christ.
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If your employer participates in a Matching Gifts Program that aligns with our mission, you can double your support for Harvest New Beginnings, without even giving a dollar more. Learn more here.
Giving by text is as easy and intentional as sending a text. Text the word “Help” to 630.554.3858 for complete instructions.
Giving statements are available online; simply log into your giving account. and are emailed every January. If you gave but did not receive a giving receipt or statement, or would prefer one by mail, please contact the church office.
Most banks offer an online bill payment service that will issue checks thru the mail. Harvest does not recommend this method of giving because it lacks the security and speed of online giving, and it costs additional in-house processing expense.
Personalized offering envelopes can be mailed to your home monthly free of charge. To subscribe contact the church office.