Due to weather, the church Office is closed Friday, Jan 12th and ALL activities are canceled.

We're meeting in person & online!

River Baptism at Dickson Valley Camp 

Adult Ministries

The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Care Team

Led by Linnea Scearce, our Care Team focuses on coming alongside those who are experiencing sickness, pain, or grief over hard circumstances.

We pray with them, visit them, and check-up on them on an ongoing basis.


Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17


I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His Word I put my hope. Psalm 130:5

Young Adults

Thursday nights at Harvest! 6:30-8:30pm


The PrimeTimers is a senior adult Bible study and fellowship group that meets Sunday mornings at 9:00am in the Fireside Room. Class includes prayer and group discussion. After studying the Book of Revelation, the class is now in the Book of Hebrews.

Senior Salt is an opportunity for anyone age 55 and over to come fellowship and enjoy fun activities. This event happens each month on the 4th Monday from 11:00am to 1:00pm in the Youth Center. Feel free to bring a friend! Check out our events page for the next happening! 




Did you know you’re designed to live in community?

LifeGroups bring us together from different backgrounds and life experiences to create long-lasting and God-glorifying friendships built on community and care for one another. Harvest LifeGroups focus on studying the Bible together, praying for one another and connecting throughout the week. LifeGroups do life together. Don't wait; join one today!


Harvest is pleased to offer a variety of sports opportunities, such as volleyball, basketball, men's softball and more! Stay tuned for more information.

Adult Co-Ed Pickleball

Every Thursday we have 'open play' at church, weather permitting, from 9am to dusk.

During this time when coaches are available, we have free beginner clinics during 5pm-dusk.

Study Groups and Classes

With God at Work 

Meets last Friday of the month

9-10am, Fireside Room

"With God at Work" is a monthly Bible study that focuses on leadership principles from a biblical perspective.

This is open for anyone that is self-employed, owns or runs a business, manages a business or just wants to learn biblical principles of business with practical application.  

Please come and have a cup of coffee and a pastry. This is only an hour but what we learn from each other can last a lifetime! Hope to see you there. And if you know someone else who can benefit from this, feel free to invite them. Enter Door 1.

The Overcomers is an adult fellowship of believers providing a place for prayer, Bible study and spiritual growth. Meeting at Harvest New Beginnings, Room A-103 (& Google Meets) on Sunday mornings at 10:45am, classes are marked by sharing each other’s burdens and group discussion. Recent studies include "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis, Psalms, the Gospel of Mark, and the Book of Ecclesiastes.

Veterans Ministry

Our Veterans Ministry is dedicated to honoring and supporting the unique spiritual, emotional, and social needs of veterans and their families through faith-centered fellowship and outreach. We provide opportunities for connection, healing, and growth by hosting events, mentorship programs, and discussions focused on navigating life after service. By emphasizing the power of shared experiences and faith, we aim to strengthen the bonds among veterans, their families, and our church community. Together, we strive to build a Christ-centered network that equips and encourages veterans to lead with purpose and serve others.

Meets the 2nd Saturday of each month

3:30pm, Youth Center

Veterans Ministry-Warriors for Christ

"Morning Muster"

Kick off March 16th

(Re-occurring 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month)

8am-8:45am meet at café seating area

For more information about adult ministries, contact Pastor Vince Vazquez at .