Due to weather, the church Office is closed Friday, Jan 12th and ALL activities are canceled.

We're meeting in person & online!

River Baptism at Dickson Valley Camp 

Need a new beginning?

Need a new beginning?

Need a new beginning?

Need a new beginning?

Need a new beginning?

Need a new beginning?

Need a new beginning?

Join us!

Join Us This Sunday By Watching Live From Anywhere

Sunday Morning & Evening

@ 9:00 & 10:45am & 5:45pm

New Sermon Series!

We all have messes! Some we made, some we didn't - but they all matter and there's help and hope for you.

August 27th - September 25th


Sermon Series: Glory Among Us — The story of Jesus, the Son of God, who lived among us.

Sermon Series: Glory Among Us — The story of Jesus, the Son of God, who lived among us.

Regular Service Times

Saturday Evening @ 5:30pm

Sunday Morning @ 9:00 & 10:45am


Regular Office Hours

Monday - Friday



Sermon Series: Glory Among Us — The story of Jesus, the Son of God, who lived among us.

Midweek Prayer

Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

MIDWEEK PRAYER focuses primarily on prayer for our church, its leadership and its ministries; the needs of our church family; and our nation. Plan to join us Wednesday nights from 7-8pm in the fireplace area of the foyer.  Most nights there will be a brief devotional followed by a concentrated time of prayer.  All are encouraged to come and make their requests known to the Lord.  Whether you're new in your faith, have been a prayer warrior a long time, or are dealing with difficulties or trials, join us and let's watch what God will do.

Video & Podcast On Demand

Find a recent message or subscribe to stay connected.

Join Us This Sunday By Watching Live From Anywhere

Sunday Morning & Evening

@ 9:00 & 10:45am & 5:45pm
Global Unrest – Is the End Near?
A World Leader – Who Comes to Power?
Left Behind – Is There Any Escape?
Final Judgement - Will There Ever be Justice?
Judgement Rendered - Did My Life Count?
Heaven on Earth - What will it be like?
Hell on Earth – How Bad Will it Get?
Global Peace - Does it Ever Happen?

Harvest Counseling Ministry

Life can feel overwhelming, even hopeless. Now might be the time when you need someone to come alongside and help. We're here to do that for free. Complete the questionnaire and we'll contact you to schedule your individual counseling time. We care about you and look forward to meeting you!

Harvest Volleyball

Working together to Stay Healthy

 What We’re Doing

 • Traffic patterns and seating will be adjusted to accommodate 6 foot guidelines.

• Staff and volunteers will be wearing masks.

• Ushers will seat and dismiss you to assist with social distancing.

• Additional hand-sanitizing stations will be placed throughout the building.

• All services will be a touch-less experience, and all high-volume areas will be thoroughly sanitized between services.

• No offering plates will be passed. Instead, there will be an area in the back of the Worship Center for those who want to give.

How You Can Help

• If you don't feel well or have health concerns, please stay home and join us online.

• All volunteers will be required to wear a mask. All others are not required to wear a mask, but simply encouraged to do so.  A limited supply of masks may be available for those without one.

• Please wash your hands and use hand sanitizer often.

• Maintain six feet between yourself and other guests.

• Please do not congregate.

We Found A New Beginning at Harvest

Vince and Sharon Vazquez

Sharon and I came to visit Harvest almost three years ago on a search for a new home church. We were excited to learn about the large number of opportunities to serve within the church and the surrounding community. Pastor Scott's message connected with us that day and resonated with things we consider important to our faith. Harvest is a whole family style church. Our four children were excited about coming! We knew this was the place we should be. Harvest was a “New Beginning” for us and for our family’s spiritual growth as well as excitement in ministry.

Biblical Counseling Training Conference

Harvest Counseling Ministry offers Biblical Counseling training for anyone who wants to become competent and confident to reach solutions to their problems and for those who want to become lead counselors.

For three weekends in 2020, September 18th-19th, October 16th-17th, & November 13th-14th, Harvest Counseling Ministry will host counseling training led by ministry partners, Faith Ministries.

This unique, three-weekend format allows you to return home and practice what you learn, then come back with comments, questions, and experiences to talk about. Our goal is to help you become a better Biblical Counselor, and we believe this is the most effective way to do that.